The 2018 Farm Bill has forever changed the way the country views cannabis. Federal law still prohibits marijuana use, but the Farm Bill made hemp legal all over the U.S. As a result, there has been a great demand for cannabidiol (CBD), a cannabinoid found in hemp and marijuana.
CBD has grown so popular that even athletes are taking advantage of its benefits. In this article, we’ll talk about four ways CBD can help athletes on and off their respective fields of play. You can check out Rick Simpson oil buy.
- Some athletes use CBD after workouts to help ease discomfort.
As you can imagine, athletes put a lot of stress on their bodies getting into shape for competition. The higher the level of competition, the more training they must do to get in peak condition.
Athletes expect to feel some soreness after working out and competing. Tight muscles and swollen, achy joints are evidence of a hard day’s work. Some athletes rub CBD oil on their joints before a workout to help loosen muscles, and some use it after workouts to help ease discomfort.
- Cannabis sativaCBD might help improve focus during competition.
There are a few different strains of cannabis: indica, sativa, and hybrid. Many marijuana smokers prefer sativas because they help them to focus. Of course, marijuana smoking is out of the question for most athletes, but CBD is legal and also comes in the sativa variety.
One of the greatest things about CBD is that it has many of the same benefits as marijuana but doesn’t cause users to feel high. Furthermore, it’s perfectly legal, and athletes don’t have to worry about hemp showing up on a drug screen. Many American marijuana users use CBD instead of marijuana during the workday, and many athletes use it to help them focus during training and competition.
- CBD could help with relaxation after an intense workout or competition.
One of the things marijuana users love about smoking pot is that it helps them relax. Of course, they also like the sense of euphoria you get from medical marijuana. However, wouldn’t it be nice if you could get the relaxation without the high? Well, you can with CBD.
Athletes rely on their intensity to give them a competitive edge. CBD helps them to relax and turn their intensity off when competition is over. So, if you want to feel good vibes without feeling high, you should give CBD a try.
- CBD might help improve your blood flow.
Blood flow is critical for athletes. The better their blood flow is, the better they’ll be able to focus and pump the necessary oxygen through their bodies to accomplish amazing athletic feats. Many CBD users say taking CBD oil has helped to lower their blood pressure and increase blood flow. They also report less fatigue and a greater level of focus on the job. Athletes need optimal blood flow to get into their workflow, and CBD can help them achieve that.
Marijuana use is still illegal at the federal level, but hemp is legal in every state in the U.S. According to cannabis enthusiasts and experts, CBD is probably better for athletes than THC anyway. Furthermore, people of all ages and from every walk of life like CBD for medical use and recreational use. Athletes love CBD oil because, unlike the use of marijuana, it’s legal, and some athletes believe it helps them achieve peak performance.
Better focus and blood flow, increased relaxation, and ease from discomfort are the top reasons some athletes report for using CBD oil. However, the FDA hasn’t evaluated it for medical purposes, so it’s best to consult your physician before using it. If CBD works for the best-conditioned bodies and minds in the country, imagine what it could do for you.