The legalization of cannabis has opened up markets like never before. Retailers have excellent business opportunities, and consumers are spoiled for choice. The number of options is bound to surprise you, whether you are a newbie or a seasoned consumer. If you wish to try a trending product, concentrates make a great choice due to their purity and potency.
While the prospect of getting cannabis in the purest form is enticing, the dabbing technique can be overwhelming for a beginner. You may find it intimidating despite your experience with smoking and vaping. But a little preparation is enough to start confidently and attain a pro status sooner than later. Let us share some valuable dabbing secrets you can rely on as a beginner.
Get educated
Getting basic education about dabbing gives you a head start. You can check an online video or read a step-by-step guide to know the technique well. Even better, seek guidance from a seasoned consumer with adequate experience with cannabis concentrates and dabbing. They can recommend the best products and tools, teach basic skills, and share personal insights on the technique.
Choose a quality product
Although the quality of the product does not have much to do with the technique, it can make or break your experience. A bad one can dissuade you from trying dabbing again. You must not compromise product quality, even if you have to spend a bit more. Pick a reputable brand and stick with a reliable seller. Read the product labels carefully to understand factors like composition and potency.
Invest in a skill-appropriate tool
Dabbing like a pro is possible only if you have a skill-appropriate tool. Using an advanced device may sound daunting if you are accustomed to lighters and matches. Check your options in dab rigs and opt for a simple one with minimal features. Of course, you can move to a more advanced one as you learn the ropes and gain confidence. But it is vital to start small and find your comfort level gradually.
Find a steady surface
You may have top-quality concentrates and appropriate devices, but a dabbing mishap can shatter your confidence. The best way to do it safely is by choosing a steady surface you can rely on to support your dab rig. You cannot take a chance with a hot nail, blowtorch, and delicate glass as an unsteady surface can cause a spill. Also, remember to go the extra mile with cleaning and maintenance of your tools.
Follow the rules
If you are a regular cannabis consumer, you will probably know the rules and precautions for safe consumption. Likewise, newbies must do their bit to research and learn about them because you need to follow them while dabbing. In fact, you should be extra conscious while loading your dab rig because less is more with these products. Stick with minimal dosage as they are highly potent. Follow the local laws regarding dabbing in public as you must do it only in designated places.
Although dabbing is a relatively new technique, you can master the skill with only a little extra effort. Follow these tips to become a pro and dab without apprehension.