Usually bigger hands and feet are related to masculinity and strength. Perhaps this is the main reason why men want to have bigger hands and feet. As many people are struggling against having small hands and feet in the following article, we are going to present the reasons for that and what one can do about it.
Why Do We Have Small Hands And Feet?
A very important factor that decides some important characteristics of our anatomy is our genetics. Everybody has their unique genetic code that we inherit for our parents. To be more precise, some anatomical characteristics of a person are inherited from their ancestors through genetics. That is to say if one has small hands or feet, it is because of their genetics.
Unfortunately, genetics cannot be changed or modified. However, not everything is lost. Particularly in this case changing several factors of your lifestyle might be helpful. It is proved by the fact that people who are into sports have stronger and bigger hands than those who are not. Needless to say, if you are for example a construction worker, a swimmer or a basketball player you have strong hand grip and finger strength. Hence your lifestyle guarantees you having at least thicker and stronger hands. You can also check how to get bigger feet following our blog articles.
Essence Of Anatomy And How To Influence On It
To understand how we can make our hands and feet stronger first of all we should know some anatomical facts. Our hands consist of muscles, bones and ligaments. The size of our hand mainly depends on our hand bones. As mentioned above genetics are to be blamed if our bones are small.
In the case of children there is still some possibility to change bone size as they are growing organisms and it is easier to have an impact on the structure of their bones. Opposed to children changing anything in the bones of adults is impossible.
Yet you shouldn’t worry. Unlike bones, muscles and ligaments can be trained to become stronger, bigger and more functional. A number of exercises can be used to increase the agility of your ligaments and the strength of your muscles.
The Best Exercises For Making Hands And Feet Bigger
Though it is quite hard to increase the size of your hands and feet it is not impossible. With everyday hard work and consistency, you will have perfect results. We will provide you with several productive ways to achieve your goal.
Walking barefoot is one of the simplest methods. Touching the ground will eventually make your soft and brittle feet grow bigger and get tougher. Thus, turn walking barefoot into a habit but do not forget to apply some ointments as you want to avoid calluses.
Another useful method is trail running or simply running. While running your blood circulates better thus enhancing your feet size.
Squeezing or gripping a softball in your hands will make your hands stronger and bigger.
Tight fist is another useful exercise. As there is no need of any equipment you can use this exercise anywhere whenever you have free time, just tighten your fist and release it after a few seconds. Do this exercise on a regular basis and you will have favourable results.
We have a very helpful exercise if you have a light dumbbell at hand. You should curl the dumbbell above the level of your knee. After repeating this several times, reverse curls your palms facing down. Also read our article about 3 person yoga.
Hand grippers are also helpful for your whole hand. Just press it tight and hold it until failure.
Though knuckle pushups are a little challenging they bring perfect results. We know it is quite difficult but you will get better if you keep going.
And finally take an example from boxers, find a sandbag and start punching.
How Can I Make My Hands Look Beautiful?
You can have quite attractive hands by
- Rubbing scrub on your hands
- Washing your hands every day
- Using a moisturiser
- Clipping and shaping your nails