You’ve grown plants from cannabis seeds for beginners, dried and cured the buds, and now it’s smoking time. Joints are viable, but the fruits of your labor deserve something celebratory, like a water pipe. There’s an issue, though—you don’t have one. It’s time to DIY a homemade bong.
You only need some household items and a pinch of creativity to enjoy purified smoke without store-bought assistance.
Read on to learn how to make a bong that does the trick. Besides the basic paraphernalia, we’ll share some options for when you’re feeling innovative and cover safety tips for your project.
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Easy Water Bottle DIY Bong
This DIY bong is the one most tokers put together in a pinch. It calls for the following accessible items:
- A metal fountain pen
- A water bottle
- Ground cannabis
- A lighter
- Chewing gum
Once you have them all, here’s how to make a bong from a water bottle, step by simple step.
Step #1: Make a Pen Pipe
You first need a DIY bong shaft in the form of a pen pipe.
Choose a metal pen or at least one with a metal tip. Unscrew that tip and pop the little bottom piece out. Draw out the ink tube, the spring, and any other bits from the inside.
Keep only the shaft and the top metal screw-on. Then take the screw-on and flip it upside down, shoving the narrow pointed end into the shaft. Make sure it’s steady inside.
Step 2: Hollow the Bottle
Take an empty water bottle. Rinse it clean—it’s the base for your handmade bong, so it shouldn’t contain any excess chemicals or particles. You’re about to make a pipe hole.
Mark a spot for the hole before picking up your lighter—it should be on the side, at the bottom third of your bottle. Briefly hold the lighter against that part, and when the plastic starts melting, press the pen pipe inside.
The material will soon harden again, positioning the pipe firmly in the bottle.
Step #3: Seal the Hole
Your homemade water bong needs to be airtight, which it likely isn’t at the moment. That’s where chewing gum comes in handy.
Take a chewed-up, stretchy piece of gum and wrap it around the shaft of your pipe-pen. By doing so, you create a seal to disallow any air or smoke from escaping.
Step #4: Fill the Bottle
A DIY bong needs water, and that’s what you’re adding next. Add water until the bottle is about a third full.
The pen shaft should be submerged, but the gum-hole shaft shouldn’t get wet. Tilting the pen downward helps with this.
Step #5: Toking Time
You now have a fully-functioning DIY water bong. Next up, grind your bud, fill the metal tip, and light up. Inhale through the bottle opening when enough smoke builds up.
Alternative Bong DIY Ideas
Cannabis users are a creative bunch. The sheer scope of homemade bongs that appear on the internet proves that.
Here are unique ideas that seem like a stretch but work well for smoking marijuana:
- TicTac DIY bong operates on the same principle as the water bottle idea from above. It’s pocket-sized and portable for bonus points.
- Toilet paper smoking tools require a roll, aluminum foil, and something sharp. They won’t last long but provide instant satisfaction.
- Mason jar homemade bongs can be an excellent present for a stoner friend if done right. They take more effort but take your paraphernalia game to the next level.
Then there’s a colorful selection of fruit bong DIYs from creative users. For instance:
- Pineapples offer a suitable base because they’re hefty and have a sturdy outer layer. You can taste the tropics with each toke.
- Pears lend themselves as alternatives to glass bowls. Even the shapes match! They’re also soft and sweet, smoothening your experience.
- Apple homemade bongs are classics. Large, hard ones set you up with numerous hard hits, complete with that soothing flavor to add to the pleasure.
Safety Measures
Homemade bongs are excellent, but they lack the sturdiness and consideration of the real deal. Extra mindfulness on your end is necessary to maintain safety while savoring buds from your handmade contraption.
Keep these tips in mind for caution purposes:
- Use plastic bong DIY They work sometimes, but the melting plastic is bad news for your lungs. Don’t be afraid to cough, as it expels the worst of the chemicals.
- Use fresh food for fruit homemade bongs. If you wouldn’t eat it, you don’t want to inhale its smoke upon combustion. Plus, the harder a piece is, the better it holds the smoke.
- Grind with care. It’s a shame to grind mammoth buds from the largest marijuana plant into dust, but processing is central to safe consumption. Otherwise, you’ll clog the pipe and harm your throat.
Toking Without Limitations
Now that you know how to make a homemade bong, you’ll never again find yourself strapped for smoking tools. Why settle for harsh smoke with blunts or delayed effects from edibles? Take matters into your own hands and have a smooth, strong, and immediate experience.
Even if you have a real glass specimen, it’s a good party trick and something to dazzle your friends from the 420 community. And the spirit of DIY bongs pairs well with buying marijuana seeds and growing your supply!