Delta 8 THC is a highly popular form of cannabinoid, even more so than Delta 9 THC. But how are these two different? Do they have any similarities? How does each of them affect your body?
In this article, we’ll discuss the answers to these questions. We’ll also guide you around the legality of each one and where to get them legally and safely. Read on!
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What is Delta 8 THC?
Delta 8 THC is a molecule that’s very similar to Delta 9. In fact, the only difference between the two is in their atomic structure. This slight change gives Delta 8 a few different properties that make it more appealing than its counterpart.
For starters, Delta 8 is said to be less anxiety-inducing than Delta 9. It also doesn’t cause paranoia or hallucinations as much as Delta 9 does. These are both common side effects of smoking weed that many people want to avoid.
Delta 8 is also said to give you a clearheaded high. You’ll still feel euphoric and relaxed, but you won’t be as “out of it” as you would with Delta 9. Many people prefer this type of high because it’s less disruptive to their daily routine.
What are the effects of Delta 8 THC?
Delta 8 THC has a few different effects on your body. For one, it can help you feel relaxed and calm. It also might make you feel more focused and clearheaded. Some people also report feeling less anxious when they use Delta 8.
Delta 8 can also give you a mild case of the munchies. So if you’re looking to eat everything in sight, this cannabinoid might be for you!
It’s important to note that Delta 8 THC is psychoactive. This means it can change how you think and behave. However, its effects are typically much milder than those of Delta 9 THC.
Where can I buy Delta 8 THC?
If you’re interested in trying Delta 8, there are a few places you can buy it. The easiest place to find it is online. There are many online stores that sell Delta 8 products, including gummies, oils, and vapes. Soko Cannabis is a great example of this.
You can also sometimes find Delta 8 products in brick-and-mortar stores. However, since it’s not currently legal in most states, it can be tough to find. If you do find it, make sure to check the labels carefully to ensure it’s derived from hemp, not marijuana.
Before buying any Delta 8 product, make sure to do your research. Read reviews and compare prices to find the best deal. You should also make sure the product is lab-tested for purity and potency. This will ensure you’re getting a high-quality product that’s safe to use.
Is Delta 8 THC legal?
The short answer is: it depends. Delta 8 is technically legal in the United States, but only if it’s derived from hemp. Hemp is a type of cannabis plant that contains less than 0.3% THC.
However, most Delta 8 products on the market are made from marijuana, not hemp. Marijuana contains higher levels of THC, so it’s considered a Schedule I drug by the DEA. This means that Delta 8 made from marijuana is currently illegal in the US.
There are a few states that have legalized marijuana, however. So if you live in one of these states, you might be able to find Delta 8 products made from marijuana plants.
In Summary
Delta 8 THC is a popular form of cannabinoid that’s said to have many benefits. It’s similar to Delta 9 THC, but it’s less psychoactive and may cause fewer side effects. Delta 8 is currently legal in the US if it’s derived from hemp, but it’s illegal if it’s derived from marijuana. You can buy Delta 8 online or in some brick-and-mortar stores. Just make sure to do your research before purchasing any product.