After the legal status of cannabis in the country, the awareness levels have surged. Consumers no longer see the herb only as a recreational aid. Rather they acclaim it for its therapeutic benefits. Scientific studies add to the trust factor by presenting research-based evidence to validate its efficacy for several medical conditions. Users find it effective for relieving pain, alleviating anxiety, and inducing sleep.
But there’s much more to this healing herb than you can imagine. Many seasoned consumers swear by its ability to boost creativity. Besides the anecdotal evidence linking cannabis with creativity, scientific reasoning also establishes the link. However, unlocking your creative energy with cannabis requires a strategic approach. You cannot rely on a random product to offer desired results. Here are some tips to use cannabis for a creative boost.
Understand the connection
Before trying to unlock your creativity with cannabis, you must understand how things work. Cannabis contains cannabinoids that influence the endocannabinoid system to kick the production of neurotransmitters in the brain. THC, in particular, boosts dopamine production. The “happy hormone” enhances the mental and emotional responses, and a drop in its level lowers mood and creativity. Additionally, dopamine stimulation leads to feelings of euphoria. The THC in cannabis amplifies it and regulates specific brain functions that improve mental clarity, focus, and sensory perception. Beyond these creative benefits, cannabis encourages divergent thinking, connects abstract ideas, and improves pattern regulation.
Start with low doses
Seasoned budtenders and cannabis consumers recommend going low and slow with the initial sessions, regardless of the purpose of use. You must follow the same rule while using it for a creative kick. Pay attention to the THC levels specifically because the cannabinoid determines the impact on creativity. A low initial dose of THC promotes open-mindedness and cognitive functions required for creative thinking. Moreover, it keeps you from getting a bit too high. It is the last thing you want to experience while working on a creative project. Dosing also depends on the kind of project you wish to pick. Experts advise microdosing for projects such as writing because they require intense focus. You may go a tad higher while painting where you need a broader flow of ideas.
Follow your tolerance levels
When it comes to dosing for creativity, you cannot take a one-size-fits-all approach. There isn’t a specific quantity that works for everyone. Rather, you must embrace a hit-and-trial mindset while deciding the apt one for yourself. Everything boils down to your tolerance levels, and you can understand them by following your sessions regularly. Note down the effects you experience with a specific dose of cannabis and titrate it as you go. You will find the exact quantity that delivers the expected outcomes if you keep track of your sessions. You may have to increase or decrease it down the line as your tolerance levels change.
Pick the right strain
Picking the right strain is perhaps the most critical aspect of using cannabis for creativity. Even someone with basic awareness knows that different strains have different effects. You cannot expect one that works on chronic pain to give you a creative boost. Typically, sativa-dominant strains offer a cerebral high that can lead to an instant creativity kick. Conversely, indica-dominant strains provide a more relaxing effect. A hybrid one like cereal milk strain makes an ideal pick for creative people because it brings the best of both worlds. A session with it gives a sweet and balanced high that soothes your body and relaxes your mind. You also get the benefits of high creativity and improved focus. Know a strain and its effects well before using it for creative benefits. Even better, get recommendations from a budtender.
Check the CBD level
While THC is great for providing the cerebral high to get your creativity going, you cannot rely on it alone. Check the CBD level in the strain you plan to use because you need one that contains a blend of CBD and THC. CBD is a therapeutic cannabinoid that offers relief from pain, anxiety, and insomnia. So it can enhance your creativity indirectly. Moreover, it can balance the THC hit by preventing it from producing an overpowering effect. So you can expect to feel more focused and productive with the best benefits of both cannabinoids.
Ensure the right set and setting
The set and setting go a long way in enhancing the outcomes of a cannabis session. It means you must ensure the right environment before using it during a creative pursuit. An optimal setting helps you concentrate better and make the most of the high you get from your session. Being high promotes the flow of ideas and inspires you when you pick the pen or paintbrush. Remember that getting creative with cannabis is an individual thing, Do whatever feels right with dosage, strain, and set and setting. A little experimentation will help you find your sweet spot for the best outcomes.
Steer clear of overindulgence
As a regular user, you will probably know the rules of cannabis consumption. But newbies tend to go overboard because they get too enthusiastic about their initial sessions. The idea of getting out of your creative block makes it even more alluring. But remember that choosing a strain with extra-high THC levels or overdoing your dosage may be counterintuitive. It can weaken convergent thinking, which is equally crucial for creativity. The best way to indulge is by mastering your dosage and choosing the apt product. Timing is crucial as edibles often offer sustainable effects while vapes and tinctures work rapidly and wane quickly.
Creative people require inspiration and motivation to generate new ideas and keep going. But it is not always easy to keep them on track as you feel the flow ebbing more often than you imagine. Cannabis can help you deal with these challenges and keep your creativity on track. However, you must choose your product wisely and use it properly to get the best outcomes. Following these tips can help you get the most out of cannabis for creativity.