It is a bitter truth but to teach a student on the tips of a stick has become a rage/ Tutors have left long ago thinking and researching for the students and finding new contents for the students. Most of the time especially in those educational institutions where there is no digital or manual monitoring of tutors, only punitive actions by tutors is the reason kids study properly but why is it so? Are those kids’ animals who need to be lashed out or being beaten by the sticks? Tutor and students’ relationship is sacred where students come to gain some knowledge from the tutor and it is true that they are inexperienced and have very little or we can say no knowledge then it is obvious that they will make mistakes while learning. Then really it is necessary to become punitive towards them every time they make mistakes. In my opinion it is completely wrong because then students will stop making mistakes and making mistakes is the first step of learning because then only students understand what they have to do to learn and what not to. These days schools are opting for innovative tools like the best school management software in order to make school management strong. This best school management software also keeps this in concern that no students face punitive actions unnecessarily and if there is any dispute even then no one will touch the students.
Students and kids learn happily in a safe environment or a protected atmosphere where they know they can’t be harmed and also it is proved that those educational institutions which don’t allow any kind of punitive actions like physical or mental against students, there students study and learn with free mind and they are excited to go to such school and colleges. If the atmosphere of educational institutions will be so threat free then students will be able to ask questions and queries which can solve the issues in their learning. Even I agree at this point that sometimes students behave so irresponsibly and in an irritating manner that any private tutor can lose their temper immediately but for such situations tutors are taught in their induction program that they need to be patient enough to become a good teacher. The reason behind this concept is doesn’t matter how much mischievous the kids may be but they are still mere kids and they know nothing about good and bad in this world wo only tutor can be the guide and if that guid also becomes punitive at each small things then kids will fear to ask their queries and will never learn the knowledge about anything.
Being punitive can be positive also if it is arranged in a creative manner. For example, if a child is crossing the limits by making mischief and has created a headache in the tutor’s head then instead of being violent physically in the name of punishment the tutor can make the child decorate the classroom, read the chapters of incomplete homework and learn them in the class. Prepare the assignment on how to be helpful to class and family etc. Here the main target is to make punishment also fruitful for the students. In these ways self-esteem of the students won’t get hurt anyhow and they will learn their lesson also and meanwhile they did a good job too which may benefit the students in their coming future. This is necessary for the tutor to understand that being punitive always destroys the self-confidence of the students. Some student’s self-confidence gets broken in such a way that they leave studying for life-time and some become habitual to punishments and after sometime they feel nothing in any punishment dn they become rogue people later but nobody will find out the reason behind them being rogue was unnecessary punitive actions of the tutor. Following the same school managements are installing a student attendance management system. This student attendance management system keeps digital and accurate records of attendance of students in order to save them from unnecessarily punishments for less attendance.
Teachers are role models of the kids and they look up to them being tangled in any problem so tutors need to be polite towards them so that they can ask whatever they want otherwise they will never muster the courage to ask anything and their knowledge will never grow. Tutors should be supportive and creative even in their punitive actions and their all efforts should be to teach good knowledge to the students.