If you are thinking of buying used commercial kitchen equipment, bear in mind it can be a bit different, actually, than buying used equipment for your home kitchen. Catering suppliers know that commercial kitchen equipment will be serving other people, so it needs to be clean and in top condition. Moreover, it must pass a health inspection. Even though it is secondhand, it might still be a considerable investment. Therefore, you want to make sure your newly purchased commercial kitchen equipment is worth it.
- Choose equipment with a lesser time of usage
It is recommended to purchase used equipment with one to three years of use because it can last longer. In many cases, these tools were sold by their owners who have quit their business or want to sell to focus on other needs.
Because of this, the components are still in good shape and may only require little or no amount of repair to bring them back in top form. Avoid going for a product that is beyond this time scope. Products that have been used for a long time won’t last as long as those used for only a short period. Therefore, it is crucial to ask how many years the equipment has been used.
- Check the brand
Prior to purchasing either a used or new product, it is recommended to research the top brands on the market. Don’t simply rely on reviews on the internet. As much as possible, try to interview people in the catering business to find out the brands that perform well. In some cases, world-renowned brands are the best, while locally made products may be effective in other aspects. Bear in mind that each and every brand has its pros and cons. Make an intelligent decision and seek advice from experts.
- Dented and scratched equipment
Buyers may have rejected equipment with minor surface imperfections such as dents and scratches. As a result, stores sell them at a lesser price. But the dents and scratches are not a big deal since it is not related to the equipment’s technical functionality. It is only cosmetic damage. Catering suppliers know that kitchen equipment with surface imperfections will work as a brand-new one. You can always paint over the flaws if the tool is meant to be exhibited in your establishment, such as a display fridge.
- Choose a product with a warranty
Another benefit to purchasing a product that has been used for a lesser period is that the warranty is still valid. The warranty is transferable, and you can claim rights when unexpected damage occurs.
The company will be the one to bear the entire or half the cost of repairing the damage based on the terms and conditions.
- Request for the operation manual
Inquire if the seller still has the product’s operation manual, especially if you are not familiar with how the equipment works. The manual is a guide for you and your workers on the usage and maintenance of the machine. Relying on your intuition to run a piece of equipment can potentially cause damages, thus reducing the product’s lifespan.
- Parts availability
People often purchase expensive stuff without considering the availability of parts and components.
You must avoid this disappointing experience when you launch your restaurant. For this reason, you must thoroughly research if the spare parts of the equipment are readily available in your area. Please don’t rely on online stores since it might take longer for the spare parts to reach you, which can cause your business operations to suffer.
Author: Alison Lurie