In today’s digital age, businesses can reach out to customers and clients through various forms of communication. SMS text messaging is effective for businesses as it allows them to reach out to their target audience. In addition, there are many tips businesses can use to enable seamless communication with their audience.
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1. Use Emojis to Be Personable
When texting online with customers, emojis can help messages come across as authentic. While they may not always be able to convey a certain message, they can still help you connect with customers more authentically.
2. Nurture Personal Connections
One of the most common reasons why businesses don’t use SMS is because they feel it is impersonal and intrusive. However, many innovative strategies can help businesses develop effective and personalised SMS messages. These include establishing personal connections, delivering value, and encouraging deeper conversations.
3. Exercise Restraint
Despite the increasing number of people using their phones in various ways, there is still a connection between SMS and their customers. When a customer asks you to enter their space, be respectful and show up with a timely and valuable message.
4. Communicate Value
The key to effective and personalised SMS communication is to provide a clear message that holds value. It should be accompanied by relevant content, such as a link to an app or a call to action. Segmentation is an important factor that businesses should consider when developing their SMS strategy. This strategy can help them avoid sending a message to every individual. Mass text messaging services can help businesses send messages more efficiently.
5. Pay Attention to the Frequency of Content Sent
Being mindful of the frequency and content of your messages is also important. Many consumers often receive numerous texts promoting products or services, which is an intrusive way to communicate when you get too many in a short timeframe. All messages your business sends should be relevant to the customer’s journey and sent at reasonable times.
6. Build Trust Early in the Relationship
Although text messaging is an effective and engaging way to communicate, it should only be used correctly. Suppose you are lucky enough to have the opportunity to interact with customers. In that case, you should use it for certain urgent and action-oriented messages, such as appointment confirmations, alerts, and special offers. Having appointment reminder apps can help you stay organized and ensure appointments are not missed.
7. Set Clear Standards
Text messaging can be used as a way for fraudsters to make a convincing connection with their target. They can pose as your brand and use it to trick their potential customers into giving them access to their personal information. An important step that businesses should take is to educate their customers about what they will be sent via SMS.
8. Don’t Abuse Texting
Unless requested, you should never send a text message without asking permission from the recipient. Unsolicited messages, especially those that are promotional, can generate more anger than sales. While it is possible to use text as an effective form of communication, it is still the responsibility of the sender to refrain from abusing it.
9. Use Online Texting to Increase Responsiveness
Text messaging is an effective way to communicate with customers, as it is both intimate and accessible. However, if you are not using it as effectively as you should, it can be discouraging for your customers. One way to increase the responsiveness of your messages is by using it as a way to connect with your customers to find what they need or want from your brand.
10. Share News in Real Time
Before you start implementing a text messaging strategy, ensure you are strategic about the length and frequency of the messages you send. This will allow you to create a channel that is focused on breaking news and important announcements. To share a quick announcement, try sending it via social media or email. You can also use SMS to promote a particular event or discount.
Final Thoughts
All of these tips must be combined with a great call to action. This is the primary purpose of messaging your customers. The response you get from a message will significantly rely on offering something that will benefit both you and the consumer.
Author: Alison Lurie