Having made the brave and incredibly exciting decision to relocate and emigrate abroad, your mind (as will those of your partner, close friends, family members and loved ones) is guaranteed to be swimming with questions, worries and issues that can often be hard to compartmentalize and deal with.
If you’re planning on moving with your partner or spouse, it can be even more daunting. One of the things you’ll need to consider is the rules and regulations of the new country. For instance, in Canada, couples are considered to be married if they’ve lived together for at least one year. This means that you’ll have the same rights and responsibilities as any other married couple, including the right to file taxes jointly and the responsibility to support your spouse financially. It’s important to be aware of the rules of common law marriage in Canada (règles du mariage de fait au Canada) so that you can plan accordingly.
With this in mind, continue reading to learn some top tips useful for anyone who has decided to emigrate abroad.
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Go An Extended Trip Beforehand
One would assume that this particular point is somewhat obvious, yet you would truly be surprised to learn of the sheer volume of people who decide to upheave their entire lives, as well as their career and family, without having actually visited the exact location of their new home.
It is for this reason that is important to spend some quality and non-rushed time exploring the area and what is more taking time and making effort to meet and discuss ex-pats already living there.
Forewarned is, after all, forearmed.
Learn The Language
Yes, it is most definitely true that the best way to learn a language is to move to the specific country and envelop yourself in the culture.
However, it is still strongly advisable to spend time, either through an online course or else studying yourself with language dictionaries, to learn at least some of the basic words and phrases, which include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Hello / Goodbye
- Good Morning / Good Afternoon / Good Evening
- Please / Thank You
- Directions (To Shops/Hospital/Town Centre/Train Station)
- Food and Drink Key Words & Phrases
Thoroughly Research Schools & Colleges
If you are intending on enrolling your child into a prestigious and established British international school, such as a renowned and respected boarding school in Thailand, then another incredibly crucial part of your preparation and research (way ahead of your move date) should involve the thorough researching of prospective schools.
Additionally, ensure your child or children are as physically and mentally prepared as possible for the change in schools. Ways to make their educational and social transition as smooth as possible include, but are certainly in no way limited to, the following:
- Try not to arrange too many activities for them in the beginning
- Talk to them openly and honestly about how they are feeling about the move
- Always talking and behaving positively around the subject of the move
- Give them as much time and space that they need to process everything
Take Care Of Your Pets
One would hope that another incredibly high priority on your pre-moving list would be regarding the safety, security and happiness of your pets.
Ideally, you will certainly be able to bring your dog, cat, rabbits or bird with you to your new location and if so it is vital to check the individual country’s requirements, rules and regulations regarding animals.
In the hideously unfortunate situation that you are unable to bring your cherished animals with you, ensure you arrange alternative, permanent housing, not in a shelter, but another family’s home in which they will be welcomed and loved even more and will not be given away.