Although both CBD oil and Hemp oil are two different products, there is much confusion over the names and what each oil does. This isn’t helped by the misnomer of many products on the market today. And to add even more to the confusion, state governments and the federal government in the U.S. have different laws making these products legal or illegal in different parts of the country. Hopefully, after reading this page, you will have a better understanding of what the difference is between CBD oil like cannabidiol oil 250mg and hemp oil.
In some cases, from lack of knowledge or intent to hide a product’s properties, CBD oil and hemp oil are wrongly named. There is a mish-mash of laws crossing the U.S. that make manufacturing and selling these products a logistical mess. However, in most cases, misnomers happen due to a misunderstanding of what is in these two products and where they come from.
CBD oil uses the stalks, leaves, and flowers of the hemp plant in its production. These contain a higher concentration of CBD, which is a compound with numerous potential health benefits. To make things more confusing, some people call CBD oil “hemp oil.”
Hemp Seed Oil
Hemp Seed Oil is the proper name for hemp oil. Hemp seed oil comes from the seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant. The seeds do not contain CBD, but they still have a rich group of nutrients, fatty acids, and useful bioactive compounds.
Are CBD oil and Hemp Seed Oil Legal in the U.S.?
In 2018, the U.S. Congress passed a farm bill that legalized industrial hemp production in the United States. Since one of the products derived from the hemp plant is cannabidiol (CBD), the farm bill opened up new markets for CBD products.
At the state level, there is a wide range of laws to regulate CBD. To find out if it is legal in your state, you can check this map. At the federal level,
The FDA has approved only one CBD product, a prescription drug product to treat seizures associated with Lennox Gastaut syndrome (LGS), Dravet syndrome (DS), or tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) in people one year of age and older.
But when it comes to hemp seed oil, and other products made from hemp seeds, the federal government confirmed their legality in 2018.
Foods containing hemp seed and hemp seed-derived ingredients are currently marketed in the US. Hemp seeds are the seeds of the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. Although hemp is from the same species as cannabis (marijuana), the seeds themselves do not naturally contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. The hemp seed-derived ingredients that are the subject of these GRAS notices contain only trace amounts of THC and CBD, which the seeds may pick up during harvesting and processing when they are in contact with other parts of the plant. Consumption of these hemp seed-derived ingredients is not capable of making consumers “high”.
Both CDB oil and hemp seed oil can offer nutritional benefits and other health-related benefits when ingested. Much of the research on these products is only at the beginning stages in the U.S. due to the recent change in federal law.
What are the Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil?
Hemp seed oil doesn’t make people intoxicated or “high” but instead offers therapeutic properties, from pain relief to treatment of epilepsy. Some of the nutrients in hemp seed oil are:
- Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids
- Gamma-linolenic acid
- Other nutritional antioxidants
- B vitamins
- Vitamin D
Benefits from hemp seed oil include improving levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. However, the Mayo Clinic notes that while there is anecdotal evidence of these benefits, research to support them is still unclear. Hemp seed oil is often added to nutritional products like bars, yogurt, and cookies as a source of unsaturated fatty acids and essential amino acids.
Other possible benefits include relieving constipation, modifying the immune system, supporting cardiovascular health, improving skin conditions and gastrointestinal conditions.
Hemp seed oil is extracted from the seeds of the cannabis plant. Therefore, it has no THC. Consuming hemp seed oil is safe.
What are the Benefits of CBD Oil?
CBD oil comes in a variety of products that can be broken down into three categories:
- Full-spectrum CBD oil
- Broad-spectrum CBD oil
- CBD oil made from CBD isolate
At this time there is no regulation of the spectrum level of CBD oils sold in the U.S., so it’s important to read the labels and learn about the company that you are interested in buying from. Reputable companies are willing to provide you with information so you know what to look for.
Full-spectrum CBD oil uses all parts of the cannabis plant. Broad-spectrum oil uses several compounds but no THC. CBD oil made from isolate contains only CBD. To find out which product you’re looking at, you can examine their Certificate of Analysis (COA), usually completed by a third party.
Many people use CBD oil products for medicinal purposes, including epilepsy, pain, inflammation, anxiety, depression, managing addiction, and various skin conditions. There are also many different ways in which you can consume CBD. For example, many people prefer to take CBD in capsule form. CBD capsules not only last longer, but you also avoid the often unpleasant, earthy taste that accompanies CBD oil. If you would like to try CBD capsules, look no further than popular European cannabis and CBD brand Cannacares. Cannacares offer vegan-friendly CBD capsules on a subscription basis, meaning you can save 20% off every order without having to worry about re-ordering every time you run out. You can buy Cannacares’ CBD capsules from their website at
So far, only the antiepileptic benefits have been proven through medical research, which led to the FDA approval for a drug to help seizure patients.
Since full-spectrum CBD oil contains some THC, there are people who may use it for recreational purposes.
More CBD Oil Benefits
Because CBD oil isn’t legal in some places, there has been minimal research into its uses. However, now that countries are beginning to legalize its use, new research is emerging showing a long list of possible health benefits without many side effects.
The primary uses that have been found so far are:
- Epilepsy – The FDA has approved Epidiolex for people who experience seizures due to Lennox-Gastrault or Dravet syndrome.
- Inflammation and pain
- Depression and anxiety
- Addiction management
- Inflammatory skin conditions
- Protection against neurodegenerative diseases – ALS, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington disease, Alzheimer’s disease, MS
- Relief from chemotherapy side effects
Other CBD Products
If you are looking for ways to add CBD to your diet or skincare routine, you’ll be happy to know that there is a list of products that contain CBD oil and other CBD extracts. CBD products have also been shown to help pets with certain ailments.