Looking for Ouroboros tattoo designs then know it’s meanings first. The word ‘Ouroboros’ derives from a Greek word ‘Oura,’ which means tail or ended part and ‘Boros,’ which means eating. It is a simple and attractive tattoo design idea for both men and women. Ouroboros tats looks beautiful and remembers able also demonstrate birth, death and new life. It looks like a circle where a snake or dragon shape his body in a circle and eats his tail.
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Meaning of Ouroboros tattoo designs
As it looks beautiful and straightforward, it has significant religious and spiritual meanings too. First, ouroboros tattoo design was famous in Greek in the 14th century, and after it, many cultures and religions adopted it and gives a different meaning to this beautiful tattoo design.
Related: Eagle tattoo designs with meanings
Ancient Egypt considers it a mark of the sun as it means the cycle of the day.
In Rome, culture people connected it with the New Year’s god “Janus.”
Hindus believed that there are four elephants, move the whole world and an Ouroboros dragon supports them to move forward slowly.
In West Africa, people take it as a rainbow schemer, which insignia protection or life creation.
Common Ouroboros Tattoos Meanings
- The cycle of life (birth to death)
- Self-reflect
- Spirituality
- Infinity
- Transmigration of souls
- Rebirth
Ouroboros Tattoo Designs
Ouroboros tattoo designs are the first choice for all the men who know its regions and significance. It is more prevalent in men than in women.

Ouroboros with skull
This tattoo design looks classic, and an ouroboros with a human skull denotes death. Where the skull is displayed or attached with ouroboros, this point denotes the end of the life cycle of destruction.

Ouroboros with Infinity symbol
The infinity symbol has an outlook of our life cycle included all its stages (the past, present and future) until death.

Long Ouroboros Tattoo Designs
One could tattoo an ouroboros on any part of his body, but most people want to draw it on their sleeve, neck hand, back and shoulder. And along ouroboros tattoo design should be on the sleeve looks glorious and transform its meanings.

Ouroboros Tattoo with Empty Circle
Some people have an excellent choice to leave empty or blank space inside the circle of Ouroboros tattoo. So that it looks simple and classic and would like to show its religious or typical meanings.

Ouroboros Tattoo Designs with fill Circle
Few people like to fill the Ouroboros circle with some essential elements or colors to make it a more attractive and meaningful tattoo design.

Colors of Ouroboros tattoo designs
Most people want an Ouroboros tattoo design with a thick outlook and solid black color. But they have many choices to select the color to make it attractive and unique. As snake or dragon have many different and shiny colors like that, Ouroboros tattoos lover has an option of different colors and versatility. Also, there is a good option of multicolour Ouroboros tattoo. Colourful Ouroboros tattoo designs are standard these days.

Watercolor Ouroboros Tattoos
Another trendy ideas for ouroboros tattoo lovers is a watercolor Ouroboros tattoo designs like any other tattoo design ouroboros also looks attractive in watercolor.

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